Welcome to United Physician Services
We have the expertise you need with practice management, medical billing and coding that will help define and achieve success for your business.
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Download this guide for making your business more sustainable throughout the ICD-10 transition.

There are several ways to increase your revenue at your medical practice. Download 7 for FREE!
Profit from Your Success!
We discover and implement innovative business solutions for profit-minded healthcare companies across the country. Our expertise in finance, new revenue stream development, payer contracting and operations enable providers and business owners to leverage their clinical success to build a successful organization.
“You’ve worked hard to get where you are. Let us help you take your business to the next level.”
— Rochelle Glassman
Free Professional Consultation
A half-hour needs assessment is on us. We are anxious to hear about your business and excited about the opportunities we can create together.
Simply click on the button below to send us a message and let us know when you are free for a 30-minute discussion.
We are honored to work closely with leading healthcare organizations every day!
Feel free to call us at (602) 685-9500 or click the button below to email us.